I want everyone to know that I have a strong testimony of the gospel. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the TRUE church! I am proud to call myself a "Mormon."
I have a testimony of going to the Temple. Twice in my life has going to the temple totally changed my life, and blessed me with children. The first time was when I was 19. I was praying and praying to have children. I was not getting pregnant as fast as I wanted. So I went to the temple with David (my ex). In the Celestial room, a temple worker, that had no idea who I was or the reason I went to the temple (I went to pray to have a child), came up to me, and said "I am just getting inspired to let you know that you will have children sooner than you know." He never met me before, never had a conversation with me, had no idea that I had no children, or I even went to the temple praying for a child. But he let me know that I will have children sooner than I know. Shortly after that, I got a blessing, and in the blessing, it said the exact same words. "You will have children sooner than you know." 6 months later, my two wonderful little boys were given to me! Kody was 6 years old, and DJ was 4 years old. Having a 4 and 6 year old is a lot sooner than I knew! But they were mine. I have now received blessing saying that they were preordained to me. These boys did not come from my body, but they are 100% mine! They are now 13 and 14 years old. I love them to death.

Going to the temple blessed up again recently. I have been praying and praying for a baby. But Rocky and I have been slacking off on going to the temple as much as we should be going. When we went together, we never had a question in our hearts of having a baby. But Rocky and I were debating on continue trying to conceive a baby, or adopt another child. We started the process to adopt, but got to a point that we needed to choose one, we do not have money to do both. So we went to the temple, praying and asking which way we should go to bring another child into our home. A week after we went to the temple, after me trying to conceive for 9.5 years, and Rocky and I for the last 2.5 years, I found out that I was pregnant. I honestly think that the Lord was waiting for us to humble ourselves before Him and bring it to Him in HIS house (the temple). A week after we went to the temple to have a baby or adopt, I found out that I was pregnant. I just think that is amazing! Now I am not only pregnant, but pregnant with TWINS!

The last thing I was to talk about, cause I could go on forever on stories and blessings, and testimonies, but for now a testimony about the scriptures. With Rocky being gone for school, I struggle a little with the boys. They seem to listen to Rocky more than they listen to me. But what can your except from two teenage boys? LOL. I want to start doing better and do scripture study again every night with the boys. Kody told me that he did not want to read with us, because he already read everyday in Seminary with his class. I almost forced him to sit anyways, like I did yesterday. But I tried to let the spirit guide me on this one. I said "Kody the prophet has asked us to read scriptures and pray together everyday as a family as well as do it individually. If the prophet is asking that of us, who is asking the prophet to tell us?" Kody replies "God." I ask "So will you read with us?" Kody replies, "Since God asked us too, I will." The difference from yesterday and today? Yesterday, Kody sat there and refused to read. Today, Kody not only read, but he taught us things he learned in seminary with the things we were reading. We all got along better, and it really invited the spirit into the home. It is just a different feeling in the house tonight. Because we were able to read scriptures today as a family. We were able to pray together as a family. We are happier, as a family. I am grateful that the scriptures were able to do that for us!

I just want everyone to know that I love my brother, Jesus Christ, and my Father in Heaven! They have done so much for me! I want everyone to know that I have a testimony. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
More Temples:
Oakland Temple (below)