But at the party, good ole Santa Clause came. The babies got to meet Santa for the very first time!
For therapy, Lilly is doing very well! I am so proud of her! I think the cooling they did right after her birth will help her a lot. I am so glad they did it! Things still will not come easy for her, nor will she do things fast, but I think she will be able to do some things. But still we are in the waiting game! I hate this waiting game. Everyone tells me that the first year is the hardest. I hope so, cause I hate this right now!

We went to the Dysphagia Clinic at Primary Childrens on December 7th. We see
Dr. Molly O'Gorman there. She is a good doctor. We put Lilly on some extra fat oil stuff, to try to get her to gain weight! The Dysphagia Clinic keeps an eye on Lilly because of her G tube. Our goal is for Lilly to eat 100% by mouth. It might happen someday. Up to Lilly. But while I was there, I also dropped by the NICU and talked to a social worker. I want to be a "Graduate Parent" to help other families when they find out that their baby has HIE brain damage. They said they currently do not have any parents in their program that has HIE. How sad! I would have loved some more help at the time! I hope I will be able to help a family someday. I also grabbed all of Lilly's hospital records. It is sad to read! How much damage she actually has.
Lilly also has a new nurse now! Our main nurse comes every morning and every evening for about an hour. Her name is Angela. We like Angela. I feel bad, cause I make Angela do everything that I HATE to do. Like makes Lilly take a pacifier, feed her baby food, brush her teeth, stretch Lilly (especially her neck, Lilly REFUSES to turn her head to the left. If it is on her right, she might look. If it is on her left, too bad, she will not look! Angela also help me dress her, bathe her, clean her room, laundry, bottles, etc. She is a great CNA!
On a good note, most nights (I say most, cause it does not include last night.. Bad night). Lilly is starting to sleep through the night!!!!! YAY!!! I started doing a continuous feed through the g tube again all night. She gets about an ounce every hour. And I put an extra heater in her room, and it works! She usually sleeps for 12 hours now! And I am not waking up all night feed her. The stupid machine does it for me! Logan on the other hand, was sleeping through the night, and now is waking up. They like to tag team me! The joys of twins!
Daddy gave Logan his first haircut! It was really long on the sides and very short on top. So I told Rocky to cut it. He looks so much older now. I want them to be babies forever! But it does look good. Logan did not scream or anything. He actually looked like he enjoyed it.

Lilly and Logan loving each other!
I asked my friend, Rachel, to give me some more picture of the birth. She is going to be giving me even more later, and I am trying to find the camera with her getting life flighted, but here are some pictures. Now I am going to warn you, some are pictures of the c-section itself, and then one picture is of Lilly dead, and them doing CPR.

Rocky giving Lilly a blessing before they flew her up to Primary Children's. I think this is a beautiful picture, and the power of the priesthood! I am so glad Rocky hold's the priesthood. Huge blessing come from it, and I think that is a reason Lilly is still with us today!

This picture makes me sad! Look how grey she is! I am so glad they had me knocked out for it!

Mr. Logan

Daddy loves his son!

I should have tagged the pictures better. The picture 4 from the bottom of rocky looking over the incubator, that's actually Logan in the nursery waiting to get his bath! :D
ReplyDeleteWell, you are great at taking pictures Rachel! You have a gift!
ReplyDeleteSuch a precious family Emily. Those are some sweet pictures.
ReplyDeleteThank you for continually updating your blog. It's so great to see them growing and changing, and to hear your story as their mother. These little guys are very lucky :)