Well, it is the end of the school year for the boys! Kody just finished up his freshman year of high school. He did so with A's and B's! He almost has a B average GPA this year! I am proud of him! And DJ is now considered a freshman! Both of my boys are in high school now! Can't believe it. Anyways, DJ finished the year with a B+ GPA! What can I say, I have smart kids!
Good job Kody!
Today, May 28, 2011, Rocky, Kody and DJ ran a 5k! This time, DJ beat Kody!
DJ's time was 22:25.5 (7:12 Min Mile). Overall he came in 12th, but 2nd place in our ward. They did not divide it by ages.
Kody time was 24:04.5 (7:44 min mile). Overall he came in 15th, but 3rd place in our ward.
Rocky did not race, he just wanted to support our ward and take a nice jog. His time was 34:52.5.
I am proud of all three of them. I did not even attempt to run or walk! Walking around carrying two babies in my stomach is enough exercise for me. I passed out the cards with everyones time.
Nice jog honey. Now go run another mile!
Yesterday was my 29th birthday! No pictures, sorry. Just went on a date with Rocky, and then went to my moms for hamburgers, cake and ice cream. Kody and DJ have been helping out my mom (Nana) a lot with her garage. They are such good kids! They helped her a lot yesterday while Rocky and I went on a date.
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