June 30, 2011 Kody and DJ were in the Nebo School District Title VII Indian Education Mini Pow Wow. It was for the end of Summer School program that the boys were involved in. Kody was asked to be the "Head Male Dancer" for the Pow Wow which is a great honor. I am proud of Kody and DJ!!!

Sarah, Kyle, Braden came and watched them. But also, Amy (boys birth mother), Grandma Kit (boys birth grandma), Lyla (boys birth sister), and Grandma and Grandpa Simons came and support the boys! We are lucky to have so many people around that support us and love us!



Kody with the princess, introducing themselves.
DJ turned 14 years old on July 3, 2011. Since his birthday was on a Sunday, we celebrated it on July 2, 2011. He just wanted to play board games with Larry Spagnolo, with his brother (Bill), and son (Seth), and Kody. So on July 1st he slept over, then Rocky and I picked up two of DJ's friends, Chandler and Brigham, to have a little party at the park next to my mom's house. Amy, Lyla, Grandma Kitt, and Nana (my momma) came to have cake and ice cream.

Brigham Hughes, Kody, Chandler Hatch, and DJ playing football at the park. (Rocky was playing too, just not in the picture).

DJ likes his cake

DJ got a lot of money for his birthday. After the party, Larry took the boys up to the "Y" on the mountain to watch the sunset and the Stadium of Fire Fireworks. Larry told us that DJ kept counting his money. LOL

Handsome DJ with his Brownies

July 3, 2011. Larry gave DJ a cheesecake. We had the cheese cake after church on Sunday on his REAL birthday. We no longer had 14 candles, so we put 7 on, then wrote x2 with chocolate syrup.
DJ with his momma (me). He loves me!
Happy birthday, DJ! Wish we could have been at the powwow. I'm sure it was awesome!! :)