On September 23, 2011 Lilly, Logan and I went with the Relief Society to the Hughes Cabin for an overnight retreat. We had sooo much fun! The Hughes cabin is in Schofield, UT. We had dinner, then we all gathered around and talked about our favorite conference talks from Aprils conference or bare our testimonies. Afterwards, we got weird and played games, which we got to know each other a lot better. During this time, Sandi Hughes offered to cut or highlight any women's hair there. Sh,e was so nice to put highlights in my hair and cut it really cute! Everybody helped me with the babies, which was a nice little break for me. At night, Logan did not want to sleep. His eyes were wide open the whole time, soaking everything in. I attempted to go to bed around 2 am. But that is when Logan fell asleep and Lilly woke up. It was a long night for me. Lilly wanted to be home, poor baby! Rachel Miramontes helped me though the night.
The next morning, Virginia Sion came in around 7 am. Took both babies, and let me sleep until 10 am. The babies got passed around by different women in my ward so I could sleep, which was very much needed. Right before we took off to go back home, I got to play on the zip line. I went done it twice. The second time, it threw me off, it hurt, but I managed to be alright. I am just worried about Haylee Whiteley. She got thrown off of it too, and she might be hurt pretty bad.
Anyways, thanks to all those that helped with the babies. And thanks for the good time!

Conference Talks
Now we need to get ready to listen to our prophets and apostles words again this next weekend. Can't wait!!!!
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